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09 June 2011

Mac OS X | Handle multiple .zip or . rar files with CLI

For now, after 2 days of Mac OS X, I still not found my way through handling extracting multiple .zip or .rar files. However, with Fedora, we have "unrar" and "zip" to handle those files. Sweet reminiscence lead me to setup "unrar" on this new toy.

Steps for rar files:
1. Download RAR 4.01 for Mac OS X
2. Extract the above file to preferred directory. Refer below pic.

3. To install "rar" and "unrar", do the following

sudo install -c -o $USER unrar /bin
sudo install -c -o $USER rar /bin

4. To extract (without quote - refer man or help):
unrar e "files"


Steps for zip files:
Assume you have lot of files to be extracted like the picture below, it would be time consuming to "click click click" or wtv to extract those files.

1. Extract all those files to "extract" (can be anything though) by :
unzip -jo cr-1od0\*.zip -d extract/

2. Refer help for "-jo" and the rest of modifier.

*please ignore the name of the files above :P


Here is explain how to setup winrar for mac? You will be benefited to read this post.

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