I can't access my office wifi network cuz it hidden n have password though. Plus, no laptop to crack it. Nevermind, still I can use my cydia via USB.
Get Cyder, and the password is "www.Sources.co.il" without quote. Download, install and you are ready to go. If u want me to send to your email, pls leave ur email at the comment section.
TutorialAs you can see, there is a synchronization option, iphone to pc, pc to iphone. Click iphone to pc if you want to copy cydia source from iphone. Cydia cache and AutoInstall folder if for installing purpose. After you download the package, at local cache, click the package, and click either arrow to AutoInstall folder or Cydia cache. I prefer AutoInstall folder.
Create AutoInstall folder :
1. SSH into your iphone.
2. Go to var/root/media/
3. Inside media,create Cydia. Inside Cydia, create AutoInstall. (var/root/media/Cydia/Autoinstall )
This is the list where my cydia source after I synch with iPhone Cydia. To get an update, click the below green icon. Cyder will refresh the source.
As you can see, at the packages section, I got tons of package. You can multiple download. The package who mark with stars are the latest package. Tick the package you want, and click the HDD icon so cyder will download into local cache.
After that, refer to 1st pic on how to install the package. Make sure, after you transfer into AutoInstall folder, please REBOOT and RESPRING so that the package install correctly.
Here is the option for cydia. I tick refresh sources at startup so I can get updated package in Cydia.
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