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24 August 2010

Google goggle coming to iPhone

What so fuss about Google goggle?

Google Goggles lets you search Google using pictures from your camera phones. We take an image as input, and using several image recognition backends (object recognition, place matching, OCR, etc), we return relevant search results

So? Checkout this video.

Every time someone asking me about Android, this is the software I did mention after all the "What is Android?" explanation.

Since I less travelling and maybe someday, for any reason I will travel to anyplace you can name it, this is the first software that will come in my mind.

Snap the picture, and Google goggle will do the job for you by acquiring any related information, so you will not bother to ask people. Independent huh?

As much as Google goggle is made for Android, I'm looking forward for this software coming to iPhone. With the new push for Google app in iPhone, this is the major step for users to maximize the Google app.

And, to have Google Talk standalone app with backgrounding would be awesome! :)

Source: http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2010/08/google_goggles_coming_to_ios_platform.html

Google goggle: http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles/#text


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